Chicago Public School’s free and reduced lunch program has been for years the center of stigma among students and abuse among some CPS officials. The district wants to change that with an expanded version of the program that grants free lunch to all CPS kids.
Under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program CPS receives federal reimbursement for all meals served to students, provided the meals are nutritious.
CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett said in a statement the program will help students focus on learning.
“This program will allow all CPS students to focus on their studies without being distracted by hunger or worry about the stigma of free or reduced lunch,” Byrd-Bennett said.
Some district employees have taken advantage the application process to cheat the system in the past. In 2012, at least 12 principals and assistant principals were removed after a CPS internal investigation found that the leaders falsified applications and lied about income in order to receive free lunches for their own children. Since 2004 dozens of CPS employees have been caught falsifying applications.
Under the new program traditional CPS schools receive free lunch and breakfast. Charter schools have to apply for the same benefits.